

Brexit is still and ongoing and overwhelmingly prevalent debate that has been going on for over two years and we are still no closer to coming to a conclusion.  With the date of the official exit looming over our heads, Theresa May tried to please everyone, which is impossible in life, and even more impossible when dealing with a bunch of stuck-up European bureaucrats.  If you don’t know what I am talking about, it’s the Chequers Deal.  Most of the European Union has mixed emotions about it, and the French (because of course it is) vehemently hates it.  It kind of makes sense though.  With the only way the UK completely leaving the EU is a Hard Brexit or a no deal (which would suck for everyone), and the Soft Deal is barely leaving the EU.  A lot of EU nations are upset with May’s Chequers Deal because it gives too many benefits to the UK while mainly hurting the EU.  It’s like if after WWI the allies put none of the blame on themselves and made Germany pay for so much that it would take Germany almost one hundred years to pay it off, and then did it again after WWII.  Oh wait.  They did.  So is the way with global politics.  The UN is useless, so is the EU, and the mainstream media is trying to screw us all over.  God Bless.Union-Jack

Article 13

Memes.  Memes are great.  They’re awesome.  Wanna know what’s better?  Not getting thrown in jail for using freedom of speech.

Well, too late for Europe.  It’s already been happening, such as with Count Dankula and the Nazi dog.  Oh, and with Tommy Robinson,too, you know, the guy who was almost killed by an Islamist in prison.  But neither of those cases have anything to do with Article 13.  Article 13 is a mess.  A really big mess.  Basically, the EU is claiming that it is going to be a safeguard against copyright infringement on the internet.  And that’s what it is, until you look deeper.  It is going to basically get rid of fair use in the EU.  Memes using pictures or short clips from a movie or a tv show may be taken off of social media sites due to algorithms made by the sites to detect copyrighted media.  This won’t only affect the EU, though.  People all over the world will be affected, even though fair use laws differ in every country!  Youtube already arbitrarily takes down videos that are under fair use according to U.S. law, videos made by U.S. citizens in the U.S., claiming copyright infringement because of their terrible system of assessing copyright claims.  Imagine how bad it will be without any human interaction!  Horrible!  The world isn’t imploding on itself.  But it can sure as hell feel like it is.  God Bless.